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Storage issues for European Airline Facilities Company

Customers SAN had grown rapidly and was exhibiting performance problems at certain times on certain days and the customer lacked the ability to pinpoint the problem areas, let alone resolve them.

FCoE SAN problems for an Online Financial Organisation

The online company was paying penalties for intermittent delayed/failed online customer transactions. They had previously reported these issues to their server, storage and switch suppliers and were expecting them to provide a permanent fix.

Validation of Data Centre Connectivity for UK TV Broadcaster

The customer used two data centres for its main operations that were in two separate buildings but were only metres apart in the centre of London. For disaster recovery best practices they decided to move one of the data centres to a location that was many miles away from London.

Optimisation of customers IT Infrastructure

The customer was running out of storage only a few years into a five year plan that had been produced by a trusted vendor. The customer urgently commissioned a complete review of their IT infrastructure in order to understand why they were running out of storage space and to see if there was an opportunity to consolidate, reduce the data usage and save costs.

Cost Effective expansion when running Out of Storage

Customer was running out of storage and had been advised on an expensive SAN upgrade path by their existing vendor. The customer then contacted an alternative vendor only to be quoted for an even more expensive solution. The client had more than 2000 VM’s and 120TB of storage which equated to 95% of the available storage.

Moving Multiple Computers to a VDI Environment

The client had 13,000 desktops and laptops which they wanted to move to a VDI environment. Multiple vendors had submitted tenders which varied quite widely on both the equipment required and the final solution costs. These differing solutions left the customer confused and uncertain which solution was right for their business needs.

Validating Application Performance when Extending Data Centres

A well known high street retailer was looking to move their replication data centre away from their main data centre. Their current setup consisted of both data centres being situated in the same building with a high risk to business continuity in the event of a major issue. They had the opportunity to move to a new data centre that was 65km away from the main data centre.

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