The IT Analytics solutions from GCH can be supplied as a complete solution that analyses the companies IT infrastructure or can be supplied as individual modules. Some examples of the analytics modules are listed below.
The Performance analysis tools provided by GCH help to address many of issues for customers who are planning to virtualise their environments, or who already have either partly or fully virtualised infrastructures.
The move to Server Virtualisation provides a whole range of benefits to organisations, however, by its very nature (which is exploiting the management of mixed workloads on shared physical infrastructure) Virtualisation re-introduces the requirements for disciplines that were traditionally associated with the mainframe world such as:
- Workload profiling
- Defining Performance Objectives
- Managing resource contention across multiple operating system images and application instances
- Capacity Planning
Data Migration activities are typically discrete projects to deliver business benefits and costs savings, and are therefore ideal to outsource to specialised services.
To support the constant growth in data volumes and introduction of new storage technologies, every organisation faces the challenge of data migration in some form or another. Typical examples include:
- Data migration from one type of storage array to another
- Data migration from one vendor array to another
- Deployment of a new data centre over metropolitan or geographical distance
- Whatever the requirement, physical data migration can be both time consuming and high risk, as any form of data loss or extended outage can be catastrophic to a business.
GCH’s file analysis tool quickly analyses your file systems and provides detailed reports on your disk usage. Armed with this information you can maximise your investment in your storage and build an informed strategy on future storage purchases.
The file analysis service is designed to quickly analyse file systems and provide detailed reports on disk usage. The information can be used to maximise storage investment through de-duplication and archiving thus improving backup throughput and disaster recovery planning.
Recent studies show storage requirements are increasing up to a staggering 75% year-on-year. An informed storage strategy helps maximise future storage purchases and increase the ROI. Customers using our services have reclaimed up to 70% of their existing storage by utilising de-duplication and archiving technologies.
A key issue is maximising the use and efficiency of existing infrastructure, particularly in optimising the use of high‐speed sequential media such as tape.The other key factor is that there are a growing range of Data Management Approaches and solutions which can be exploited.
As well as having to support these ever increasing data volumes, every organisation faces a growing number of Data Protection challenges including:
- Meeting increasing compliance requirements for retention and encryption
- Decreasing backup windows
- Meeting recovery time objectives
- Backup & restore reliability
- Making multiple backup copies
- Responding to individual restore requests
- Reducing operational & management costs
- Planning for capacity growth
- Providing coherent Disaster Recovery strategy
Find out more about IT Analytics:
Storage Engineer, Airport Services Organisation