+44 1628 55 99 80 info@gch-services.com


AWS-Compatible Cloud Services Suite

Stratoscale Chorus is a cloud services suite for development teams, delivering high impact cloud services within the on-premises environment. Empowering developers with turnkey, fully-managed and highly scalable building blocks, Stratoscale Chorus unifies the on-prem and public cloud environments and offers a truly flexible environment for running and scaling cloud-native applications.

Kubernetes as a Service

Chorus offers a highly scalable Kubernetes as a service to allow developers to run container-based applications and scale as needed. Developers and admins can now easily create Kubernetes clusters via an intuitive GUI or APIs. Chorus eliminates all other manual management, monitoring and scaling tasks. Users can launch and scale clusters via intuitive GUI or API, as well as monitor cluster health and usage and adjust existing clusters to accommodate demand.

Database Services

Managing databases involves not just deployment, but also complex operational aspects such as storage, backup, failure detection, disaster recovery and upgrades. Chorus makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale databases by offering a fully managed database as a service that removes operational friction of deploying databases and managing common database administrative tasks throughout their lifecycle. Chorus’ highly scalable, open and secure database as a service offers support for databases users are looking for along with the cloud-based consumption model they demand.


Load Balance as a Service

Chorus’ Load Balancer as a Service offers the ability to spin up, customize and scale load balancers to support fault tolerance and ensure high availability and application scalability over time. To simplify operations even further, Chorus’ Load Balancer Service supports AWS ELB APIs. Chorus’ Load Balancer Service routes traffic according to application or network considerations and provides the required amount of load balancing capacity needed and distributes it to meet high availability and network performance requirements. Among many popular use cases, Chorus’ Load Balancer Service offers significant value in ensuring web services scalability, and can also be used in conjunction to Kubernetes, providing single-click scalability for containers orchestration.

Analytics Services

Chorus offers managed Hadoop, Spark and HBase services that ensure simple and timely solutions for on-prem big data initiatives , eliminating the need to migrate vast amounts of data to the cloud. Chorus’ Big Data Services, compatible with AWS EMR (including APIs), integrates with Symphony’s storage, compute, and monitoring services to offer cluster provisioning and monitoring across on-prem EC2-compatible instances and cost effectively scale workloads. By leveraging existing on-prem resources, enterprises can protect their data assets and deliver an easy-to-use multi-tenant and secure solution, that is easy to deploy and manage over time.

Object Storage Services

Provides applications with persistent scalable object storage. Chorus allows applications to persist data on any storage architecture. Creating and expanding object storage in a single click offers agility and scalability. Object Storage Service is integrated with other Chorus services to simplify application deployment.

File System Service

Modernizing legacy applications and applying cloud benefits across all workloads is a complicated, resource-intensive and time consuming task. Chorus’ File System Service supports existing, and cloud-native applications, without any need for adjustments or application re-write. It provides an easy-to-use, highly available and scalable file sharing solution for use with Symphony’s IaaS, supporting AWS EFS-compatible APIs, enabling multiple instances to access the file system instantaneously and providing a common data source for various workloads. Designed to offer simple creation and minimal configuration, Chorus’ File System Service leverages built-in storage or external storage appliances which are fully abstracted to ensure elasticity and cost effectiveness. Chorus’ File System Service.

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“Having a robust, highly available and scalable infrastructure, coupled with the ability to provide an AWS Region within our Swiss datacenter, became one of our unique value propositions in the Swiss market.”

Matthias Imhof | COO – netkom