XGIG Jammer
Real-time error injection for multiple protocols
XGIG Jammer Error Injection and Simulation
The Xgig Jammer manipulates live traffic to simulate errors in real time enabling users to verify the responsiveness and robustness of error recovery processes. Giving a high level of control to users, the Jammer makes it possible to create preset configuration files that comprehensively iterate through all relevant error conditions to ensure complete test coverage, verify error recovery and guarantee overall reliability of operation. Errors can be precisely defined and timed, making it possible to not only thouroughly test networks but automate most of the testing process.
XGIG Jammers are intelligent and proyocol aware, enabling developers to make very specific traffic edits based on any bit in any frame, from the physical to the protocol layers. While random errors can be injected, conditional jamming techniques maintain tight control over the testing process and ensure that every relevant operating condition is executed, ensuring comprehensive test coverage.
Key features include:
- Support for PCIe, NVMe, Fibre Channel, Ethernet, SAS/SATA
- Simultaneous Analysis and Jamming on a single chassis
- Data modification down to bit level in real time
- Simplifies test setup with in-line operation and automated discovery
- Modifies real-world network traffic and CRCs
- Triggers protocol analysers or other test instruments at the point of error injection
- Automated regression testing through stored test cases
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